E-Services - Adapting to collaborating long distance


Drumset/Percussion Lessons

I will be offering in person, socially distanced, mask required, drumset lessons in the Ottawa area starting in August of 2020.

Additionally, I am offering e-lessons which include; custom content for the topic(s) we choose to study, one on one video chat coaching/feedback, and .PDF notation of the material.

If you are interested or if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me by visiting the contact page of the site found at the top right of the page.

Metcalfe Pandy Studio 2020.JPG

Remote Tracking

I am pleased to offer remote drum tracking from my home studio in Metcalfe, ON. I have several drum sets, ranging from Rock/Pop to Jazz, and an array of microphones to get a customized sound tailored to your project. Additionally, I offer two free revisions for any remote session. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me with any questions, check out the contact section at the top right of the page to reach out.