Launching a website during a global pandemic

Hello there,

Thanks for stopping by to check out this page, I hope you are well.

I have been struggling to do work that I feel is as valuable, exciting, and fulfilling during this period of global adjustment due to Covid-19, and I am sure I am not alone in feeling that way. Since there is ample time to dedicate to tasks I have been putting off for a while, I finally decided to try and “design” a website (via Squarespace… thanks podcasts).

This is only the beginning of this online space where I eventually plan to upload some dates (when we can play live again safely!), some videos from the studio/the stage, some educational based blogs elaborating on specific drumming related topics, and as a means to promote anything I have coming up.

To that end, I plan on releasing my debut EP as a bandleader and composer very soon. The EP is titled “Day Late, Dollar Short", and it features: Daniel Barta on Alto Saxophone, Jaehee Cho on Electric Guitar, Augustine Yates on Piano, Robert Lee on Upright Bass, and myself on Drums and Percussion. The music on the EP is primarily Jazz influenced, but also explores Funk and free improvisation on some tunes.

That’s it for now, check back in again on the blog soon as this is the section I plan to work on most regularly in the coming months as we move back toward live music shows. I look forward to sharing some more on this space and to see how it evolves in the future. Stay safe out there and keep an eye on each other! Cheers